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About Alumni

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Huron’s alumni are leading international movements and organizations. They are as distinguished as their alma mater, and we couldn’t be prouder of the ways they redefine the sectors they operate within. Get to know the Leaders with Heart who have graduated from Huron. See where elite education with an emphasis on character has taken them and where it can take you. 

Alumni Stories

Huron is a small community that develops big ideas and powerful leaders, but don’t take it from us. Hear what our alumni have to say about what Huron has contributed to their personal and professional achievements.

  • The individuals who succeed are the ones who are able to adapt, embrace change and – most importantly – follow their passions. My time at Huron gave me that foundation for the future, and it led me to where I am today.
    Michael Medline
    Honorary Doctorate of Divinity '19, BA '84
    Read more
  • Studying at Huron was a turning point for me: it opened up my mind and provided me with a global vision, which gave me the confidence to set up the bridge between China and the Western world.
    Jiaqi Nie
    Overcoming the odds from China to Canada to Cambridge
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  • I decided to study French because I wanted something that would set me apart from others when I graduated.
    Julia Smith BA'18
    BA, French and Psychology
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  • The practice of medicine is not about cells. It's about human beings and that, above all else, is what the Liberal Arts teaches you to understand.
    Don Melady, BA'81
    Physician, Mount Sinai Hospital
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  • Huron's small size classes provided me with more opportunities to get involved in class activities, and to talk to classmates and professors.
    Yi Huang
    BA '17, Honors Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies, Accounting
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  • Huron gave me competence academically and socially. My education taught me how to communicate with people from all walks of life, including those in positions of authority.
    Taylor Harris
    From Huron to Cambridge
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  • Huron students are motivated by our Liberal Arts perspectives, and we're going to take them in different directions to create a better world.
    Annika Lui
    Venture for Canada Fellow
    Read more

Lucas Alumni House

Come back to Huron’s campus to host your business meeting or event. The newly redesigned Lucas Alumni House, formally Benson House, has been outfitted with the style and functionality you need to break new strategic ground – or simply socialize. We’d love to support you to plan a great event, in a beautiful heritage building that has all the amenities of a bold and innovative new space.

redEd Alumni News

We’re proud of our alumni, and each year, we look forward to sharing their stories via our Leading with Heart publication. See what our Leaders with Heart are up to and be sure to let us know if there is a story we’re missing out on!


Past Issues:
September 2021

September 2020


What's Happening

Huron alumni are Leaders with Heart who have achieved unparalleled success – locally, nationally and internationally. Are you curious about what they’re up to? Check out our alumni stories and see how Huron’s distinct advantage helps develop truly exceptional individuals.

Building the Foundation

Thank you for supporting Huron to be the best Liberal Arts University in Canada,
where students are empowered to work to make a difference and lead meaningful lives.


Founded in 1979, the main responsibility of Huron University College Foundation Trustees is to receive, invest and manage the endowment of the Foundation and to manage the funds held in trust for Huron University College.

The Huron University College Foundation meets twice a year, in May and December, and has three standing committees. The Board of Directors establishes terms of reference and duties for each standing committee.

Huron endowments: ‘The gift that keeps on giving’

Many alumni and friends make gifts to Huron in the form of an endowment to benefit an area of College life which has particular meaning for them. An endowment can be established in their name, their family’s name, the name of a friend, or a group name for example.

An endowment is ‘the gift that keeps on giving,’ benefiting Huron students now and generations of Huron students to come.

Put simply, an endowment is a capital fund which the donor establishes that resides in The Huron University College Foundation. Each year, a percentage of one’s total fund is paid out towards the area of College life which the donor chooses to support.

For example, a Library endowment of $10,000 provides approximately $400 each year for the Library to purchase books, periodicals and electronic databases. The endowment over time increases through investment growth and any additional donations, thus providing growing support for the Library in the years ahead.

One of the most attractive features of endowments is that they can be designated to support an area of the Huron experience which has particular meaning to the donor whether in arts and social science or theology, for example:

  • a bursary to provide financial assistance to students depending on family income
  • a scholarship to recognize academic achievement
  • academic programs such as academic chairs, lecture series, community-based learning and international study abroad
  • facilities such as the Library, and
  • Huron’s Chapel and Chaplaincy.

Additional benefits to establishing an endowment:

  1. The donor receives an annual report on the performance of the endowment and how the endowment supported students at Huron.
  2. Endowments contribute to Huron’s financial well-being and security, providing an ongoing stream of revenue in support of the College’s programs and student life.
  3. Endowments help attract students to Huron by providing scholarship and bursary support, for example.
  4. Endowments can be established with a gift of $15,000 or more, depending on the area the fund supports, and can be named in honour of the donor or another person or group as mentioned. A gift to establish an endowment can be made over up to five years.

In addition, many donors arrange for a planned gift such as a bequest in one’s will which can be directed to the endowment they establish.

Endowments are increasing in popularity as a way to make possible an ongoing, very personal gift to Huron which benefits the College and its students year after year.

Creating an endowment at Huron

Huron offers an engaging and challenging educational experience that gives our students a distinct advantage throughout their entire lives.

The support of Huron alumni and friends, through their gifts for scholarships, bursaries, volunteer service and a first-class library, for example, provide opportunities for students at Huron to make the most of their potential as they prepare for the future personally and professionally in their years at Huron.

An endowment in The Huron University College Foundation creates a permanent fund of capital that can be named for the donor, the donor’s family, or an organization for example.  Each year a portion of the market value of the endowment is paid out in support of a program, such as those below, agreed to by the donor and Huron University College.  Investment growth and any additional donations increase the value of the fund, and in turn, the financial support provided from the endowment each year.  An individual endowment can be established in each of the following areas based on the minimum gift level indicated.  Gifts to establish an endowment may be made over a multi-year period.

Students express their appreciation

The programs and services which endowments support provide opportunities for an exceptional educational experience at Huron. Students receiving financial support have written to donors to express their appreciation, as in the following examples:

“I’ve managed to juggle three to four jobs throughout the previous three years next to school, and I continue to do so as a part-time associate at Rona Home and Garden, the grandstand supervisor at the Western Fair (during the Fall), a school bus driver for Murphy Bus Lines, and lastly, I deliver papers for the London Free Press every morning at 4 a.m.”

“Your generous contribution through this bursary provides students, such as myself, the opportunity to focus more time towards our studies instead of having to worry about working endless hours to pay our tuition and bills. Your support is greatly appreciated.”

“Your generosity permits me to attend a school of Huron’s caliber without accumulating onerous financial burden. I cannot justly express in this note how greatly your bursary has been of help to me.”

“The bursary I was awarded this year has allowed me to concentrate on my studies and broaden my education. I would like to sincerely thank you for helping me to reach my full potential and prepare for my future.”
“I wish to thank you for your kindness and generosity in making it possible for me to attend Huron College. There is so much to be experienced through Huron, including the fellowship, support and encouragement of faculty and fellow students.”
“My first year at Huron College has been amazing. I was exposed to so many ideas and had the opportunity to interact with such a variety of dynamic professors and students, learning how to ask questions and communicate my thoughts. In my second year, I believe I have gained both the confidence and the chance to develop and build on the opportunities Huron has given me so far.”
“Without this financial assistance, I would be unable to attend Huron. I am now immersed in full-time study and look forward to the call to ordained ministry. Moreover, I feel part of the Huron family. 
“Huron is a place where I am challenged academically yet at the same time my faith has been built and strengthened. The community of students here supports and builds into one another. It is an amazing place to be.”

Huron offers an engaging and challenging educational experience that gives our students a distinct advantage throughout their entire lives.

The support of Huron alumni and friends, through their gifts for scholarships, bursaries, volunteer service and a first-class library, for example, provide opportunities for students at Huron to make the most of their potential as they prepare for the future personally and professionally in their years at Huron.

An endowment in The Huron University College Foundation creates a permanent fund of capital that can be named for the donor, the donor’s family, or an organization for example. Each year a portion of the market value of the endowment (currently 4%) is paid out in support of a program, such as those below, agreed to by the donor and Huron University College. Investment growth and any additional donations increase the value of the fund, and in turn, the financial support provided from the endowment each year.  An individual endowment can be established in each of the following areas based on the minimum gift level indicated. Gifts to establish an endowment may be made over a multi-year period.

Please contact:

Justin Pilon, Director of Advancement
519.438.7224 ext. 760


Key Contacts